SKEMA Business School: an international Business school in Paris …
Nanjing (China), Shanghai (China), Suzhou (Jiangsu – China) Lille (France), Paris (France), Sophia Antipolis (France) Cape Town (South Africa) Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais – Brazil) Montreal (Canada) Raleigh (North Carolina – USA) 9,500 students 50,000 alumni across the world 180 professors +120 nationalities on SKEMA’s campuses +70 student clubs
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SKEMA PUBLIKA – Think tank
« Within the existing landscape of international think tanks, SKEMA PUBLIKA is on a mission to identifying and analysing early signs of profound changes within societies in key areas. The goal is to provide insights to national and international decision-makers and to actively contribute to the public debate. » Claude Revel, Director of SKEMA PUBLIKA
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About – SKEMA ThinkForward
SKEMA defines itself as the school of the knowledge economy. SKEMA is a school that is constantly innovating. SKEMA has become the first glocal school. ThinkForward is its signature. Enjoy! If you want contact us :
SKEMA Alumni – Home
Grégoire Ambroselli, an alumnus of SKEMA Business School, is one of the co-founders of the Franco-German platform Choco, which facilitates order management between restaurants and suppliers. Valued at €1.12 billion, the startup became a unicorn a few weeks ago. Behind Choco, the new jewel of foodtech, is a SKEMA alumnus.
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Learn differently Podcast series #2 – When a development course turns into a hackathon February 21, 2022. query_builder < 1 min. Insights Pandemic crisis and risks of state failure in EU's aid recipients: An opportunity for promoting governance-linked development policy. February 18, 2022.
Bem-vindo – SKEMA Business School
Conheça a SKEMA Business School. Experimente viver o mundo. Mais infomações. SKEMA Brasil lança Pós-graduação para os brasileiros. SKEMA Brasil lança Pós-graduação para os brasileiros. SKEMA Brasil lança Pós-graduação para os brasileiros. Novos cursos contemplam as áreas de Negócios e Marketing Internacional, Projetos e Finanças.
SKEMA Ventures – The glocal impact entrepreneurship incubator …
Poline, la marque qui réinvente les confitures avec des légumes Margaux Millet, étudiante à SKEMA, est cofondatrice de la startup innovante Poline, qui vise à réinventer les confitures à base de légumes. Alors que la campagne de crowdfunding de sa startup bat son plein, elle revient sur son passage à l’école et le soutien par SKEMA Ventures.