Résultats de recherche pour

l efap

EFAP – École de Communication depuis 1961


Depuis 60 ans, l’EFAP, 1e grande école de communication, forme les meilleurs communicants de France, capables de s’adapter à un monde en continuel mouvement. Révolution digitale, enjeux climatiques, crise sanitaire… autant de changements qui bouleversent en profondeur nos sociétés et bousculent nos repères individuels et collectifs.

EFAP – International School of Communication


The EFAP Summer School offers international students the exciting opportunity to follow communication courses in English while experiencing French culture first-hand. The four-week program in Paris and Bordeaux combines classroom instruction as well as cultural activities. Our Summer School will be taking place in July with two programs:

EFAP New York – Bachelor Degree & Executive MBA


EFAP NY has been providing an unparalleled opportunity for students who wish to spend a semester or a year in New York. The rigorous curricula at both undergraduate and graduate levels combines theory and hands on experience while using the latest technologies.

Study In France with EFAP – Communication School


EFAP General Presentation Application Form – Visiting Student Semester programs (Fall, Spring or even a shorter program in the Summer) enable students from various nationalities to follow English- or French-taught curriculums validating 30 European credits (ects) per semester or 12 ects during the summer session.

EFAP New York Program | NYIT Partnership


Students already enrolled for at least one year in one of our schools are eligible to come to EFAP NY for one semester. It is a great opportunity for students to better understand the communication practices of a global market, develop their English skills and enhance their curriculum with a professional experience in the US.



The European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP-FEPA) is an international network devoted to foster and promote architecture and architectural policies in Europe, bridging public governance, profession, culture and education. Among several objectives, the EFAP aims to disseminate knowledge and best

The Emergency Food Assistance Program


The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. USDA provides 100% American-grown USDA Foods and administrative funds to states to operate TEFAP. Program Fact Sheet I am a…

EFAP, l’école de référence en communication – YouTube


EFAP, l’école de référence en communication 657 views4 years ago Les Masterclasses de l’EFAP Play all Les professionnels de la communication partagent leur expérience et expertise avec les…

EFAP Meanings | What Does EFAP Stand For? – All Acronyms


What does EFAP abbreviation stand for? List of 26 best EFAP meaning forms based on popularity. Most common EFAP abbreviation full forms updated in March 2022

EFAP Paris : S’inscrire, Cursus, Formation


d’abord axée sur les relations presse et les relations publiques, l’efap s’est progressivement ouverte à toutes les composantes de la communication, pour former des professionnels capables de…