campus Paris | The IGS Grooup
IGS Group Paris campus Located in the 10th arrondissement, a stone’s throw from the Canal Saint Martin, the campus presents many advantages through its central location. Close to train stations (Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est), it is ideally located at the heart of a hotspot for Parisian culture, arts and nightlife.
École des ressources humaines à Paris | IGS-RH
Le campus parisien IGS-RH est situé en plein cœur du Paris historique, dans le 10e arrondissement, sur les bords du canal Saint Martin, très connu par les promeneurs, piétons, cyclistes et rollers parisiens. Le charme de ces berges a également inspiré bien des scènes de films comme celles d’ « Hôtel du Nord » ou « Amélie Poulain ».
Groupe IGS – Bienvenue dans le monde des possibles
Depuis 1980, le CFA du Groupe IGS est l’un des principaux promoteurs du développement de l’apprentissage dans les métiers du tertiaire. Situé à Paris, il propose une trentaine de formations en apprentissage. Découvrir l’établissement CIEFA
International Students | The IGS Grooup
International Students International Students For over 40 years, the IGS Group has welcomed hundreds of international students from around the world. Each year, they enroll in programs on the IGS Group’s French campuses in Paris, Lyon and Toulouse. STUDYING IN FRANCE France is ranked the #4 country in terms of receiving foreign students.
IGS University | American Business School of Paris
IGS University | American Business School of Paris An IGS Group school An umbrella organization made up of non-profit and independent organizations, the IGS Group provides education solutions to the general public through 5 specific activities: formal education, continuing education, work-study training, traineeships and occupational integration.
The American Business School of Paris | The IGS Grooup
The IGS Group Campuses Paris Texte menu Located in the 10th arrondissement, a stone’s throw from the Canal Saint Martin, the campus presents many advantages through its central location. Close to train stations (Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est), it is ideally located at the heart of a hotspot for Parisian culture, arts and nightlife. Find out more
Ma homepage | The IGS Grooup
THE ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE IGS GROUP The American Business School of Paris Created in 1985, the American Business School of Paris is an international business school based on flexible and interactive American teaching methods. The training program, open to students from all nationalities, proposes a completely bilingual curriculum.
IGS-RH, Career Creator in Human Resources | The IGS Grooup
Based in Paris, Lyon and Toulouse, the Group’s human resources school has become a reference in HR training programs. IGS-RH campuses Paris Lyon Toulouse Groupe IGS campus – Paris 12 rue Alexandre Parodi 75010 Paris Director Lionel Prud’homme Contact Antoine Gadaud +33 (0)1 80 97 65 18 Website Download brochure
CFA : formation en apprentissage à Paris | CFA IGS
Formations en apprentissage Le CFA IGS Admission Trouver une entreprise Vie du campus Espace entreprises Trouvez votre formation en alternance Nos partenaires recrutent 4 raisons d’intégrer le CFA IGS * 40 ANS D’EXPERTISE APPRENTISSAGE* 9 000 ENTREPRISES PARTENAIRES* 1200 JEUNES FORMÉS PAR AN 80 % DES APPRENTIS PLACÉS PAR NOS ÉQUIPES
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